Financial Information Disclaimer
The financial documents provided on this page, including IRS Form 990, audited financial statements, and annual reports, are made available in compliance with U.S. nonprofit transparency laws and IRS regulations for tax-exempt organizations.
As a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we are required by law to make the following documents available for public inspection upon request.

Important Notes:
The IRS Form 990 is a publicly available document that the IRS provides for transparency. However, the information contained in it is based on our organization’s self-reported financial data at the time of filing.
IRS filings and financial statements do not constitute tax or legal advice. If you have questions about nonprofit financial reporting or tax-exempt donations, consult a qualified tax professional or legal advisor.
Members of the public can also request copies of these documents directly from the IRS or verify our nonprofit status via the IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search (link to IRS website).